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Blogging for money will only become successful with traffic. Visitors keep a site alive. However, for bloggers who are just starting up, don't worry. There are some tweaks to make your sites going.

Just a reminder: "Content will always be the key, traffic is next, promotion comes with traffic and money will arrive after the three."

Here are 5 Search Engine Optimization Tweaks for your site. These could help you for now. Review your site if you haven't done these yet. Just don't forget to inform me if these tweaks improved your site later. You could also drop some techniques below to help others. Keep reading:

Optimized Site’s Title Tags

Title tags play a key role in SEO. Your title tags inform the search engines’ crawlers about the main content on each article. Put your main keyword in your title or combinations of keywords. Of course, title is a title. It should attract readers and summarizes the contents of your article. Be honest, though. You are not only writing for SEO but mainly for people who want information. There is no use of landing #1 in a search engine if you fooled visitors. They’ll not come back to you. People are looking for information. Give them what they want.

Optimized Site’s Meta-Tags

Aside form your title tags, optimized also your Meta-Tags. These are usually incorporated in your site’s CSS. Meta tags tell search engines what the site is about and also determine what content will appear in search results. Creating proper meta tags for search engines makes your site search engine friendly.

Optimized Site’s URLs

Search engines recognize the keywords found in the URL of a page. Placing important keywords in the URL of every blog post increases the possibilities of its recognition.

Optimized Site’s XML Sitemap

A sitemap helps search engines properly spider and index your site. This makes it easier for content, new and old to be found on your site. Each time your sitemap is update, it notifies the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Yahoo.

Lessen Your Blog Posts per Page

By having less blog posts per page creates more pages of content for your site. This is extremely effective from, not only a SEO standpoint, but as a monetization strategy as well. It could also load your site faster.

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